نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی درس 1 سال سوم متوسطه

 با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جملات زير را کامل کنيد.

improveinfluenceaveragestruggle – certain – relax -  viewers - programs

1. "Are all plants good to eat?"  "No, …………..plants are good for eating."    

2. Children usually talk about TV ………….. at school.

3. Your English is not good . you should ……………..it          

4. Her ……………..was very low. She studied harder an improved it.

5. When her sisters ……..…on TV programs, she turns off the TV.    

6. Housewives are the biggest group of TV …………

7. Computers can have ………………almost on all parts of our daily lives.  

8. Your father is sick. He should ………..for a few days.

با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جملات زير را کامل کنيد.

choose – pressure – worried – relax – effect – experiments – eyesight -  choice

1. You are tired. You should stay at home and …………for a few days.    

2.  What is the ……………..of television on children's lives?

3. Researchers often do a lot of …………….on animals.                

4. The …………..of the city life forced him to work day and night.

5. Parents should be careful about their children's ………………..   

6. In some countries, people can ………………between as many as forty different TV channels.

7.  If you are ………………about your final exams, you should study harder.

8. There are a lot of TV channels in this country, so people have a wide …………..

      شکل صحيح کلمه های داخل پرانتزها را در جاهای خالی بنويسيد.

1. He does his job very well. He is very ………………..( care )         

2. A pilot should do his job with great …………………. ( care )

3. I don't like to go shopping on a ………………day. ( rain )            

4. We need to have some ……………….computers. ( power )

5. You should try to be a ………………member of your country. ( use )    

6. Gardens are ……………in spring and summer.( color )

7. She does everything very well. She is very …………( care )       

8. The child's skill in reading is ……………for his age. ( wonder )

9. I don't like to stay at home in a ……….afternoon like this. ( sun )    

10. The map was very ……………..on my holidays. (use)

جمله های زير را فقط با نوشتن يک کلمه ی مناسب کامل کنيد

1. Someone whose job is to grow plants and vegetables and keep animals is called a/an ………..

2. We go to this place to see a film. It is a …………..      

3. Could you switch the TV over? There is a good film on ………….five.

4. Housewives are the biggest group of TV …………They watch TV about 5 hours a day.    

5. The ……………….of 6 , 7, and 2 is 5.

6. Watching too much TV may have a bad ………..on children's eyesight.  

7. You go out to this place to eat food. It is a/an …………

 جواب مناسب را انتخاب کنید

1.  “Do you like to read the story?” “No, because I ……………………it several times”    

a. have read                 b. am going to read               c. am reading                 d. will read

2.  “Did Mehdi paint the door?”  “No, he ……………………….it tomorrow.”    

a. is going to paint         b. has just painted           c. was painting            d. had painted

3. “Mr. and Mrs. Hamidi ……………………...to Mashad next month.”    

a. had traveled        b. are going to travel      c. were traveling          d. have just traveled

4. “We’ve run out of sugar.”  “I know. I …………….some this afternoon. I’ve got it in my list.”

a. have bought        b. buy          c. am going to buy               d. had bought

5. “Why won’t they repair the house?”  “I don’t know why ………………..repair the house”   

a. won’t they        b. they won’t             c. will they not                  d. they will not

6.  "When does the film start?"  "I don't know when ……………….."

a. does the film start       b. did the film start       c. the film starts          d. the film started

7.  My friend …………….with us in Tehran next week.

a. has stayed           b. is going to stay                  c. was staying                  d. would stay

8. "When do they open the doors?"  "I don't know when ………….the doors."

a. will they open          b. do they open              c. they open                   d. did they open

9. "What is your plan for the weekend?"    "I ……………..at home."

a. had to rest            b. would rest                 c. am going to rest             d. have rested

10. "Where do they visit him?"  " I don't know where ………………..him."

a. do they visit         b. did they visit                c. they visit              d. they visited

11. "When does she travel to Shiraz?"  "We don't know when ……………….to shiraz."

a. she travels              b. did she travel               c. does she travel           d. she travelled

12. "How do you want to travel round England? By train?"  "No, I ……………..by car."

a. would travel          b. have traveled           c. am going to travel             d. had to travel

13. "Where does Mohsen live?"  "I don't know where …………….."

a. he lives                 b. he lived                    c. does he live                   d. did he live

14. "When does she leave home ?"  "We don't know when ………………home."

a. she leaves              b. did she leave              c. she left                   d. does she leave

15. Do you know why …………….. the game yesterday?

    a. did our team lose         b. our team lost             c. our team lose          d. lost our team

کدام کلمه از نظر تلفظ  "s"  یا  "es"   پایان کلمه با سه کلمه ی دیگر متفاوت است

1.  ( girls  -  maps  -  learns   -  foes )            

2. (  pictures  -  bags  -   rooms  -  finishes  )   

3. ( books  -  maps  -  pens  -  writes )

4.(  dishes  -  schools   -  boys  - cars )        

5. ( books  - schools -  words -  bags )           

6. ( benches  -  places  - dishes  -  workers )

7.( rooms  -  writes  -  walls  -  jobs )            

8. (uses  -  foes  -  places  -  teaches )           

9. ( dies  -  roofs  -  finds  -  gives )                  

10. ( shops  -  books  -  cars  -  puts )            

11. ( walls  - boys  - keeps  -  farms )           

12. (  washes  -  repairs  -  uses  -  teaches )

13. ( weeks  -  days  -  goes  - schools )      

14. ( matches  -  pushes  -  farmers   - boxes )     

15. ( marks   -  pots   -  maps  -  boys )              

16.  ( jobs – medals  -  dishes  -  pens )        

17. ( puts  -  runs  -  calls  -  legs )                   

18. ( dishes  -  passes  -  writes  -  benches )

19. ( dogs  -  cats  -  maps  -  roofs)                 

20. ( goes  -  looks  -  buys  -  learns )             

متن زیر را بخوانید و جاهای خالی جملات را با گزینه های داده شده کامل کنید

I cook very badly. I try very ……1….., but I can't ………2……my cooking. I have a lot of cookery books. First I ……3…….. the food that I want to cook. Then I ………4…….. all the things that I need and follow the instructions in the cookery book, but the result is ………5……… and I have to eat a sandwich or something else in a ……6………  I don't like eating out because I don't feel comfortable. I think preparing different kinds of food and even the simplest food is rather difficult.


1. a. hard         b. slowly          c. quick        d. hardly

2. a. repair       b. improve     c. educate        d. record        

3. a. receive      b. invent       c.  examine      d. choose                       

4. a. prepare     b. produce     c. process        d. permit                          

5. a. wonderful  b. prefect       c. terrible         d. careful                            

6. a. hospital       b. stadium       c. theater    d. restaurant

با توجه به مفهوم جملات، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید

1.  The researchers wanted to know how families would behave if they did not watch TV programs. “THEY” refers to ………

a. researchers                b. families                   c. programs                     d. people

2.  Finally the families wanted to have a television back in their home. It means that the families…………….

a. wanted to have TV at the back of their homes         

b. They didn’t like have TV in their home

c. wanted to come back to their houses with TV         

d. wanted to have TV in their homes again

3.  In some countries there are as many as forty TV channels. In these countries people ………..

a. have to watch certain programs                     b. can watch different programs

c. require(need) many more TV channels           d. have only a few TV channels

4.  At the end of the experiment, most of the families said that in future they  would watch only certain programs, and not allow their live to be influenced by TV. This means………………….

a. we should watch TV all the time                        

b. we should watch TV in future

c. TV doesn’t have any effects on people’s lives       

d. our lives shouldn’t be effected by TV programs

5.  In some countries there are as many as forty TV channels, so in these countries, people ………..

a. have a wide choice                                       b. can’t watch different programs

c. must watch all TV programs                        d. can watch only a few TV channels

6.  For families with children a big problem is getting the children away from the television to do their homework. This sentence tells us that …………………      (prefer ترجيح دادن)

a. children are not interested in watching TV        

b. children prefer doing their homework to watching TV

c. families like to do their children’s homework     

d. watching TV stops children from doing their homework


7.      In some countries there are as many as forty TV channels, so in these countries, people ………..

a. can watch only a few TV channels             b. can’t choose different channels to watch

c. have to watch all the TV programs             d. have a lot of choices to choose from

8.      Javad! The train leaves in two hours. Why don’t you sit down and relax?

These sentences tell us that Javad …………………………………

a. has enough time             b. has a little time           c. has little time          d. has no time

9.      Four of the forty-four families found that the family life simply couldn’t continue without TV, and they left the experiment. This sentence means that ……………..

a. it was possible for all families to continue the experiment  

b. all families left the experiment

c. it was easy for all families to live without TV                  

d. some families couldn’t live without TV

10.  There are a lot of interesting places in Isfahan for tourists to visit. It means that ………….

a. many tourists are from Isfahan               b. tourists have a wide choice in Isfahan

c. tourists are forbidden to visit Isfahan      d. tourists are interesting people

11.  In some countries, people can choose between as many as forty different TV channels, so in these countries, people ……………….

a. can't watch different TV programs             b. have a wide choice

c. must watch all TV programs                       d. can watch just a few TV channels

12.  Dinner times were more relaxed without the pressure of TV. According to this sentence , without TV, families were more relaxed ………………….

a. after eating dinner        b. before dinner time        

c. while eating dinner     d. until dinner time

13.  There  are a lot of theaters and cinemas in Tehran. Therefore, people …………….

a. have got plenty of time        b. re quite relaxed       

c. don't have many choices   d. have a wide choice

14.  Without watching TV, some children had nothing to talk about at school. Several mothers had less to talk about with their young children at home.  According to these sentences, mothers and children had ………………

a. different problems                b. similar problems           

c. many things to talk at home           d. nothing to talk at school

15.  At the end of the experiment, most of the families said that in future they  would watch only certain programs, and not allow their live to be influenced by TV. This sentence means that families decided………………….

a. not to watch TV programs at all                               b. to let TV influence their lives                  

  c. to watch only some TV programs                          d. to do certain experiments in future

 بر اساس جمله های داده شده جملات ناقص را کامل کنيد.

1. When do they meet him in the park?     

I don't know when ………….   

2. Why did they leave so early?           

I don't know ……………………….

3. Where does your friend work?         

I don't know where ………………..

4. Where will your father go on Friday?    

I don't know where ………………..

5. Whom did your father invite to the party? 

I don't know ……………….

6. Why did your sister like that job?   

I don't know ………………        

7. When will Ali meet his uncle?   

I don't know …………………..

7. Where does Parvin work?    

I don't know ………………….        

8. Where did she live last year?   

I don't know ………………………..

مطالب مشابه :

دانلوددانلود ورک بوک اینترچنج اینترو (کتاب زرد)

امروزمی خوام شما رو سوپرایز کنم،و جواب سوالات کتاب Work Book Interchange Intro روبراتون بذارم.امیدوارم

نمونه سوالات زبان سوم راهنمایی

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نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان

Making little children work in co 2.He bought a coat and a book. متن زیر را بخوانید سپس به سوالات خواسته شده جواب دهید.

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16. This boy …… his books every day. (a. work in the library. سوالات تیزهوشان علوم سوم

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سخت ترین تست هوش دنیا

جواب سوالات » دانلود pdf کتاب student book زبان » دانلود pdf کتاب های work book زبان

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان نوبت دوم

برنامه ریزی و مطالعه درسی , آموزش انگليسي و نمونه سوالات , اطلاعات شغلي كاركنان و فرهنگيان .

نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی درس 1 سال سوم متوسطه

نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی درس 1 سال سوم of the city life forced him to work day and جواب مناسب را

نمونه سوال اکسل

نمونه سوالات شهروند جواب سوالات Entire Work book.

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