میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت سوم
میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت سوم
پخت و پز، خرید و فروش مواد غذایی و غیره
در این پست شما با انواعی از روش های تهیه غذا، پخت و پز و خرید و فروش مواد غذایی در کشورهای مختلف آشنا می شوید.
1. ژاپن – یک دست فروش
Okinawa, Japan: Marketplace
A vendor at the Makishi public market in the town of Naha offers a sample of daikon to a potential customer. His other offerings include bitter melon, prunes, pickled baby cucumber, cabbage, and much more.
2. بوسنی – سارایوو – یک سوپرمارکت
Sarajevo, Bosnia: Supermarket
Ensada Dudo and her husband Rasim shop in one of the city's new gleaming stores. Although they continue to patronize the city's traditional butchers and outdoor green markets, the Dudos have come to rely more and more on the low prices and ample choices provided by big grocery stores.
3. سومالی – مرکز فروش گوشت حیوانات
Hargesia, Somalia: Butchers' Market
Residents shop for beef, mutton and camel meat.
4. چاد
Breidjing Refugee Camp, Chad: United Nations Food Distribution Center
A refugee woman sifts through sand in order to pluck out any bits of grain which might have dropped to the ground during the previous day's ration disbursement.
5. بوسنی سارایوو
Sarajevo, Bosnia: Unloading the Car
The Dudos vividly remember the starvation their city endured during the many years of war. They are grateful that they can now buy enough food to fill up Rasim's taxi.
6. چین – حمل با دوچرخه
Weitaiwu Village, China: Bicycle Delivery
The Cui family carries goods home from the market on a sanlun che, a type of three-wheeled cart.
7. Greenland
Cap Hope, Greenland: The Big Haul
Cousins Abraham and Julian Madsen drag a freshly killed seal toward their house. Seal meat, cooked with rice and onion, is a family favorite.
8. چاد
Breidjing Refugee Camp, Chad: Water Bearers
A woman and child carry drinking and cooking water from a distribution point back to their tent.
9. گواتمالا
Todos Santos, Guatemala: Butchering the Meat
Festival days are occasions for lavish feasts, for which Guatemalan families raise turkeys and sheep.
10. چین
Kunming, China: Noodle Shop
Cooked in the celebrated style of the city of Guiyang (which is located 300 miles away), these egg noodles are served in a spicy broth and topped with chicken, beef, shiitake mushrooms or - most famously - pig intestines and blood.
11. چاد
Breidjing Refugee Camp, Chad: Stirring the Pot
Sudanese refugee D'jimia Souleymane prepares a pot of aiysh, a thick porridge which she and her family eat three times a day.
12. امارات عربی متحده - دبی
Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Stovetop Recipe
A mother prepares lunch in a kitchen building separate from her family's home. She is covered from head to toe, as she would be in public, because she is entertaining guests from outside her family.
13. آلمان
Bargteheide, Germany: Local Specialty
A row of roulades wait for the next step on a kitchen counter in the home of the Melander family. The recipe calls for beef, Dijon mustard, bacon, pickles and onions to be rolled, then browned in butter.
14. چین
Beijing, China: Snack Tray
From left: skewered sea horses, cicadas and silkworm pupae are sold at a street market in Beijing.
15. ترکیه
Istanbul, Turkey: Dinner Time
The Cinar family gathers on the floor of their living room to share the morning meal: feta cheese, olives, leftover chicken, bread, rose jam and sweet, strong tea.
16. استرالیا
Riverview, Australia: Take-Out Time
Three teenage girls enjoy the drinks and free gifts that came with their McDonald's Happy Meals. Although all three have roots in the Aboriginal community, they have little interest in outback cuisine. Mackas (Aussie slang for McDonald's) is presently their culinary mecca.
17. لهستان
Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland: Cocktail Hour
The Sobczynscy family watches a neighbor pour a round of absinthe, a strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise.
منبع هر سه قسمت: مجله تایمز
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ارائه دقیق ترین و جالب ترین اطلاعات در مورد شما!!!
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میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت سوم
داستان زندگی شما - آمار سن - تاریخ تولد - میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت سوم - داستان زندگی - محاسبه تولد - محاسبه سن - تاریخ تولد - زندگی.
میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت دوم
داستان زندگی شما - آمار سن - تاریخ تولد - میزان غذای مصرفی در کشورها و خانواده های مختلف قسمت دوم - داستان زندگی - محاسبه تولد - محاسبه سن - تاریخ تولد - زندگی.
هر چی که پدر و مادر ها باید بعد از تولد نی نی بدانند
زیرا بدن نیازمند است تا آنچه در زمان تولد نوزاد ازدست رفته است بازیابد و نیاز کودک تامین شود. خانمی که زایمان کرده است در واقع مسئول تغذیه خود و نوزادش میباشد، پس باید رژیم غذایی خود را با دقت انتخاب کند. رژیم بعد از زایمان باید با دقت دوران ...
بهداشت مواد غذایی
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برچسب :
غذای تولد