مقاله خارجی

The Canary in Captivity:

Canaries are absolutely delightful beings and fun characters to watch.

I found them to be very social beings. A little "friendly" fight here and there with their cage or aviary co-habitants, but generally they get along really well and are non-aggressive. They make very pretty aviary birds - and the melodious song of the males add a lot to the charm of an aviary.

They are never going to be "cuddly pets"

.. and I know, having handfed some of them from day 1 - they do become quite confiding. They make a great choice for people who enjoy watching birds rather than having a demanding pet that requires a lot of personal attention.

Housing Your Canary:

I hate to see them in small cages. Since these are birds that will just about ALWAYS be in a cage, I would hope that people give them a roomy flight cage, maybe with some plants in it too for the canaries to enjoy. They should be able to fly. Make it a "project" to prepare an attractive flight cage for them, with lots of toys (no STRING toys though that might strangle them) and natural branches, maybe some plants.

Your canary should be kept in a room with plenty of natural light.  Do not place cage near a window where he may get a cold draft.  Since a male canary's singing is stimulated by people movements, keep your canary in a room you occupy frequently.

You canary needs plenty of exercise and should be kept in a rectangular cage at least 10 inches wide and 17 inches long.

Be sure to cover your canary's cage  at night so the light stops with the sunset.  This keeps him in tune with the seasons.


Breeding your Canary

Keeping Canaries

The keeping of Canaries for their appearance and song is a tradition that dates back centuries. With proper care, you will enjoy a healthy canary that will sing its heart out for you, and will be a pleasurable companion bird.


Many veterinarians recommend a diet of 80% canary pellets. However, given the poor quality of the available pellets, most of which contain harmful chemicals and additives, a diet that is as close to their natural diet is not only more enjoyable for the canaries, but may pose fewer long-term health ramifications. A high-quality seed mix in addition to plenty of fresh food items (including greens) would be the best choice. Vets usually recommend pellets as they assume that bird owners will fail to provide fresh foods on a daily basis -- in which case, pellets are preferable to a seed-only diet. *Please note: When feeding pellets to your pet, please be aware of the fact that overly feeding citrus fruits (including oranges) or vitamin-C-rich foods to your birds can lead to "Iron Overload Disease" as vitamin C increases the amount of iron absorbed from foods and supplements.

All canaries benefit from a supply of green food such as lettuce, dandelion leaves and nasturtium leaves. They can eat any produce you do, with the exception of avocado. They readily accept and enjoy fresh fruits / veggies a lot, and parsley -- and dandelions are VERY good for them. You can get a lot of free "green stuff" (safe plants please!) from your own garden to feed to them - as long as the plants have not been chemically treated, i.e., pesticides, chemical fertilizers). (For non-toxic ways to control pests in the house or garden, please visit this webpage.) Care should be taken to ensure leaves supplied are clean and have not been sprayed with any chemicals. Canaries also enjoy little bits of fruit, but be careful to offer only what the bird can eat in one sitting, or you may wind up attracting ants, or hornets. (For tips on controlling ants in your house, your garden, or your aviary - in a non-toxic way - please click here.)

During the moulting period it is advisable to supplement their diet with egg food or nestling food (can be bought as a dry mix to which water is added until a crumbly but not soggy consistency is achieved. Some nestling or egg foods can be served dry, others are best served with a soak seed mix; this is a special mixture of seeds meant to be soaked, rinsed, and sometimes sprouted a little, before being served). During the molt season, your canary needs more fat in his diet, such as flax and niger seeds. Cucumber is especially good during molt too. After molt, cut back on the additional fat, and feed your canary niger and hemp seeds as their treat to motivate them to sing. (*Hemp Seeds are often referred to as "super-seeds" as they offer a complete amino acid profile, have an ideal balance of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and provide an impressive amount of trace minerals - they also have the highest concentration of protein in the plant kingdom.)

Soaked seeds are an absolute necessity for the feeding hen and for the newly weaned young. They are a treat for all birds. Cracked corn, wheat, buckwheat, and safflower, normally too large and hard, are made acceptable to canaries by soaking. Soaking breaks down complex carbohydrates rendering the seed more palatable and more highly digestible. This is done by taking a special soak seed mix and adding two parts, or more, of water and refrigerating. Soak for at least 24 hours. Rinse well and strain before feeding.

Sprouts are not the same thing as soaked seed. Not all seeds can be sprouted. Most bird seeds are treated with preservatives and vitamins and will not germinate. Seeds for sprouting should be kept separate for various species of plants have different germinating times and requirements. In addition to the regular bird seeds, many seeds for sprouting are available in health food stores. My favorite is the Chinese mung bean which is very easy to sprout and possesses a high degree of palatability for the birds. I have also used soy beans for sprouting. My birds do not like alfalfa sprouts.

Sprouting seed is the simplest way to provide your birds with fresh greens. For a few birds only a quarter cup of seeds should be sprouted at a time. Seeds increase in volume tremendously when sprouted. Place the seeds in a clean glass jar. Fill with tap water and let stand at room temperature for twenty-four hours. Rinse and drain completely. Repeat the rinsing and draining completely daily until the seed has sprouted. If a foul odor or mold develops, discard. Preparations are available to prevent spoilage. Rinsing and draining well is very important. Any surplus sprouts may be refrigerated up to two weeks.

Nestling food can also be mixed with egg. To four cups of dry nestling food, add one pound grated carrots, and one dozen grated hard boiled eggs. Chop the eggs in a food processor shells and all. This is for about fifty feeding hens. Boil the eggs for twelve to fourteen minutes to ensure that no fowl diseases are transmitted to the canaries.

This mixture is given in an amount that the birds will eat in one hour. All birds get one treat cup per day of this egg mix. The supply for birds with feeding young is constantly renewed during the day. The nestling food with egg spoils very rapidly, particularly during the summer. It would be best to prepare the egg mix fresh every day. If this is not possible, refrigerate the excess immediately.

ترجمه متن بالا(نکات مهم)

نگهداري قناري در قفس:

قناريها موجودات زيبا و فوق العاده اي براي نگاه كردن هستند. من آنها را موجودات اجتماعي ديده ام. ممكن است كمي با در و ديوار قفسشان يا هم قفسيهايشان درگير شوند ولي در كل موجودات آرامي هستند. نرهاا صداي بسيار زيبايي دارند. حيواناتي نيستند كه بتوانيد آنها را به راحتي نوازش كنيد. با اين حال اگر روي دستتان دانه بخورند كاملا اعتمادشان جلب خواهد شد. بايد آنها را به عنوان حيواناتي بپذيريد كه چشم نواز و زيبا هستند و صداي زيبايي دارند ولي نميتوانيد مثل ديگر حيوانات خانگي آنها را بغل يا نوازش كنيد.

خانه قناريها:

متنفرم قناريها را داخل قفسهاي كوچك ببينم. با اين حال اين موجودات كوچك بايد هميشه داخل قفس نگداري شوند و بهتر است در قفسهايي بزرگ و جادار نگهداري شوند. حتما به خانه سازي براي نگهداري آنها توجه كنيد و آن را به عنوان يك پروژه تلقي نمائيد. آنها بايد بتوانند پرواز كنند، داخل قفسشان كمي سبزه يافت شود ولي از گذاشتن اسباب بازي براي آنها خودداري كنيد. قناريها بايد در اتاقهاي داراي نور طبيعي نگهداري شوند ولي هرگزي نبايد قفس آنها را در كنار پنجره و جاهاي سرد قرار دهيد. از آنجائيكه قناريها با ديدن انسانها شروع به خواندن ميكنند بهتر است قفس آنها داخل اتاقي باشد كه رفت ؤ امد داخل آن زياد است. از آنجائيكه قناريها بسيار ورجه وورجه ميكنند بهتر است قفسشان حداقل 10 اينچ عرض و 17 اينچ طول داشته باشد. حتما مطمئن شويد كه از غروب تا طلوع آفتاب قفس آنها به خوبي از نفوذ نور پوشيده ميشود. اين باعث ميشود كه فصلها را قاطي نكنند. قرنهاست كه مردم قناري را براي زيبايي و صدايش نگهداري ميكنند. اگر به درستي از قناري مراقبت كنيد ميتوانيد از صدا و زيبائيش نهايت بهره را ببريد.


بسياري از دامپزشكان رژيم غذايي شامل 80% دان قناري را توصيه ميكنند اگرچه دانهاي موجود از لحاظ كيفي غني نيستند ولي براي سلامت طولاني مدت پرندكان لازم هستند. بهتر است مقدار زيادي غذاهاي تازه نيز به رژيم غذايي قناريها اضافه شود علي الخصوص سبزيجات. دامپزشكان توصيه ميكنند كه غذاي قناريها روزانه تهيه شود و تازه باشد. لطفا از دادن غذاها و ميوه جات داراي ويتامين C و مركبات خودداري كنيد چراكه بالارفتن جذب آهن قناريها را بيمار ميكند. همه قناريها برگ كاهو، برگهاي قاصدك و برگهاي گل لادن را دوست دارند. هر چيزي به غير از آووكادو را ميتوانند بخورند. خوردن سبزيجات علي الخصوص جعفري و برگ قاصدك براي سلامتيشان بسيار مفيد است. مطمئن شويد كه برگ سبزيجات بدون سم و اسپريهاي شيميايي است و مورد هجوم مورچه ها نيز قرار نميگيرد.

زمان تولك: در اين زمان بايد غذاهاي مكمل مثل تخم مرغ به غذاي پرندگان اضافه شود. ميتوانيد مخلوطي از غذاهاي مكمل و تخم مرغ را با هم درست كنيد و با كمي آب بصورت يك ميكسچر در آوريد و در اختيار پرنده قرار دهيد. در زمان پرريزي پرنده نياز به مقدار بيشتري چربي دارد كه ميتواند از طريق مخلوطي از دانه ها مثل بذر كتان تامين شود ميتوانيد از دانه هاي آماده داراي امگا 3 و اسيدهاي چرب نيز استفاده كنيد.

دانه هاي خيس خورده: اين دانه ها مخلوطهاي بسيار واجب براي جوجه هايي هستند كه به تازگي شروع به غذا خوردن كرده اند اين دانه ها شامل: ذرت خرد شده، گندم كامل و دانه آفتابگردان است كه بايد به خوبي خيس شوند و پرنده نيز بسيار دوست دارد. اين دانه ها بسيار مقوي هستند و به راحتي هضم ميشوند. اين دانه هاي را با هم مخلوط كنيد و داخل آب بريزيد و در يخچال براي حداقل 24 ساعت نگهداريد و قبل از دادن به پرنده به خوبي مخلوط و ميكس كنيد و بعد به پرنده بدهيد. از جوانه ها هم ميتوانيد استفاده كنيد و مخلوط بسازيد ولي همه جوانه ها را نميتوانيد بكار ببريد. بسياري از جوانه ها داراي نگهدارنده هستند و نبايد به 1رنده داده شوند. جوانه ها بايد به شكل طبيعي و جداگانه سبز شوند و بعد باهم مخلوط شوند و جوانه هايي كه در فروشگاههاي سلامتي فروخته ميشوند بهتر است استفاده شوند. پرنده ها جوانه يونجه را دوست ندارند. جوانه ساده ترين سبزي است كه ميتوانيم به پرنده بخورانيم. برخي از پرندگان بايد يك چهارم استكان از غذايشان را به جوانه اختصاص بدهند.

غذاهاي جايگزين يا مكمل: اين غذاها ميتوانند با تخم مرغ مخلوط شوند. به چهار فنجان غذاي مكمل، يك فنجان مخلوط هويج رنده شده و تخم مرغ اضافه كنيد. تخم مرغ را با پوست داخل مخلوط كن بريزيد و مخلوط كنيد.. توجه داشته باشيد كه بايد 12 دقيقه تخم مرغ را بپزيد تا آلودگيهاي آن از بين برود. بهتر است اگر بايد هرروز به حيوان اين غذا را بدهيد علي الخصوص در تابستان كه زود فاسد ميشود، هرروز يك مخلوط تازه در اختيار حيوان قرار گيرد يا پس از مصرف اضافه آن در يخچال نگهداري شود.

ترجمه متن : زنجانی

هرگونه کپی برداری با ذکر نام وبلاگ بلامانع می باشد

مطالب مشابه :

گل به سر قناری

گل به سر قناري. زماني که گل به سر شما مست شد و با صداي بلند و به مدت طولاني و در حالي که

مقاله خارجی

نگهداري قناري در قفس: نرهاا صداي بسيار زيبايي دانلود انواع فيلم قناري قناري اپارات

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