سوالات زبان انگلیسی نوبت اول سال دوم دبیرستان

کلمات ناقص زير را بطور کامل در مقابل شماره های داده شده بنويسيد.

The lab is a place where men and women (st – dy) monkeys and other (an – mals).

He (p – cked) up the newspaper. It (se – med) that the other side would always be a (se – ret). But not very (l – ng) things (chan – ed). There is even a (go – den) coach. There is an (airp – t) at the toy town. Cars ( spe – d ) over highways. You can walk (th – ough) all the (stree – s) .

1…………………             2…………………           3…………………          4…………………

5…………………            6…………………            7…………………          8………………… 

9…………           10…………         11……………        12……………

با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جملات زير را کامل کنيد.(يک کلمه اضافی است)

keep on – around – looked for – packet – at last – glow – tracks – both – reward

13.  Armin and Benyamin are brothers.  ………………of them are students.

14.  My mother gives my little brother a  ………………when he does his homework well.

15.  She was very tired but she wanted to  ………………working.

16.  Would you like to travel  ………………the world?

17.  ………………we found out who had stolen the watch.

18.  Thousands of light bulbs make our cities  ………………

19.  Reza took his brother to the park and bought a  ………………biscuits for him.

Trains run along tiny  ………………in the toy city.

جمله های زير را فقط با نوشتن يک کلمه ی مناسب کامل کنيد.

21.  If you want to take a photograph, you must have a ……………………..

She can’t bake a cake because she has …………….of sugar. 

با توجه به جملات ، جمله های ناقص زير را کامل کنيد.

21.   The student has blue eyes. I am teaching him.

       The student that………………………………………………………… has blue eyes.

22.  There weren’t any tall trees in the park.

There ……………no……………………………in the park.

23.  This is a car. It goes very fast.

     This is ………….car which …………………………..

24.  The boys decided to rest. They walked for 10 kilometers.

      The boys decided to rest because they …………………………………………

گرامر: پاسخ صحيح را از بين گزينه های داده شده انتخاب کنيد.

21.      She ……………….the rooms carefully before they arrived.

   a. will clean                  b. is cleaning                c. has cleaned                d. had cleaned

22.      Does he have ……….money in his pocket?

    a. a lot                            b. any                           c. no                           d. many

23.      Mina has a blue car. Her brother has a black car. The blue car is ……………….

    a. her                        b. his                           c. Mina's                       d. her brother’s

24.      I am wearing the shoes  ……………….my mother gave to me.

    a. who                           b. whom                        c. which                      d. whose

لغت :پاسخ صحيح را از بين گزينه های داده شده انتخاب کنيد.

21.   My father buys a ……………….of bread and some cheese for breakfast every morning.

     a. bag                            b. bar                             c. jar                            d. loaf

22.   Would you please  …………………the radio? I want to study.

     a. turn on                   b. take apart                          c. turn up                       d. turn down

23.    The driver couldn't drive fast because the road was full of …………………………..

      a. planes                    b. bills                            c. secrets                    d. holes

24.   Small boats sail  on canals about a food wide. "Sail" means ………………….

     a. pick                           b. hold                             c. speed                        d. move    

پاسخ های پرسشهای زير را با کلمه های داده شده کامل کنید.

  1. What is a shoe store? ( sell )

A store ………………………………shoes.

  1. Is this your bicycle? ( my )

Yes, It is……………………………………


با هر گروه از کلمات زير يک جمله ی کامل بنويسيد.

  1. a toy – see – in – car – you – this picture - .


  1. bake – us – today – please – a cake – for - .

مکالمه زير را با كلمات داده شده کامل کنيد.(دو مورد اضافي است)( 3 نمره)


( a. welcome  - b. costs - c. altogether - d. thank you - e. mind  - f. about -

  g. how much  - h. not at all )

              (Sara and her father are in a toy shop.)

27.   Sara: Would you ………….buying a toy coach and a dollhouse for me?         

28.   Father:  ………                                                                                                    

      Sara: Thanks a lot, father.                                                                                 

29.   Father: You're ………………….                                                                      

30.   Father:  …………………….is the toy coach with tiny horses? 

      Shopkeeper: It's 10000 tomans.                                                                         

31.   Father: And what ……………….  the dollhouse?                                           

Shopkeeper: It……………………15000 tomans.

از هر گروه کلمات داده شده يکی ازنظر تلفظ با ديگرکلمات متفاوت است آنرا مشخص کنيد.

32.        a. usual          b. musicc. used             d. rule

33.        a. house                      b. now   c. two               d. round


با توجه به تصاوير به پرسشهای زير پاسخ دهيد.(2 نمره)

34. Which boy is John? 35. Does he have any books in his hands?


با توجه به مفهوم جملات، گزينه صحيح را انتخاب کنيد

36.  When the man ran out of bananas, Washoe kept on doing the puzzles. This sentence means that………

  a. Washoe couldn’t do the puzzle without a reward         b. Washoe liked the reward

  c. Washoe stopped doing the puzzles                                d. Washoe liked doing puzzles


37.  The holes on the Moon have walls as tall as tall buildings.

       This sentence means that …………………

a. there are many tall buildings on the Moon                b. the buildings are in the holes

c. the walls of the holes on the Moon are tall               d. the buildings are on the moon

38.   The toy town is made of little models. So everything is ……

   a. the usual size                                        b. made of big models                

   c. smaller than usual size                         d. smaller than little model


متن زير را بخوانيد به سوالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهيد.

        Yesterday was a sunny day and our classroom went to the zoo. We went very early and the zoo was closed. We waited at the door twenty minutes. Then a fat man opened the door. He was a very nice man. We bought 32 tickets and went inside. We saw a lot of animals there. The monkeys were funny. They were eating their food. We also saw a lot of birds.

          At one o’clock we ate lunch there. After lunch we played and walked for a few hours. Then we left the zoo in the evening. When I got home, it was dark. I rested and after dinner I went to bed at 9 o’clock. It was a happy day for us.


27.  How was the weather yesterday? ..........................................................................

28.   Where did we eat our lunch? ................................................................................

29.  Are there many birds in the zoo ? ................................................................................

30.   It was a cloudy day.   True (   )             False (   )

31.   When we got there, the door of the zoo was opened.     True (   )             False (   )


مطالب مشابه :

حل تمرینات زبان انگلیسی سال دوم دبیرستان

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سوالات زبان انگلیسی نوبت اول سال دوم دبیرستان

آموزش زبان انگلیسی سوالات زبان انگلیسی نوبت اول سال دوم دبیرستان پاسخ های پرسشهای زير

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